Our funded studies and associated research output
IMplementing Predictive Analytics towards efficient COPD Treatments (IMPACT) is a CIHR-funded (Team Grant) project aimed at developing cutting-edge Precision Medicine tools for COPD, implementing them into Electronic Health Record systems, and evaluating their impact on quaity of care and outcomes in COPD.
See 7 publications
NOVELTY is a prospective cohort study conducted from 2016-2021, with data from 11,243 patients across 18 countries. Individuals with a diagnosis, or suspected diagnosis, of asthma and/or COPD (including 1652 patients with severe asthma) were included in the study. NOVELTY contains a rich set of socio-demographic, clinical, and anthropometric patient data, including spirometry measurements, medication utilization, basic sociodemographic information, and health services use.
See 1 publication
EPIC is a comprehensive epidemiologic and decision-analytic model for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Canada.
See 8 publications
The Acute COPD Exacerbation Prediction Tool (ACCEPT) is a validated clinical prediction model that predicts rate and severity of COPD exacerbations.
See 4 publications
PRISM is a platform that makes decision-analytics and clinical prediction models accessible on the cloud. PRISM enables end-users to intract with the model they are interested in, without worrying about having the required hardware resources, or setting up complex code on their computer.
See 3 publications
This CIHR-funded project aims at devloping and validating prediction tools for precision disease management for COPD, and implementing such tools as Web Apps to be freely accessible to the patient and care provider community.
See 6 publications
This project, sponsored by an arm's length reserch contract with AstraZeneca Canada, harnesses population-based administrative health databases of British Columbia to update our esitmates of the recent trends in medication use in asthma. The emphasis of this project is on the use of short-acting beta agonists and systemic corticosteroids and how their pattern of use is evolving in patients with asthma.
See 7 publications
This is an exciting multidiciplinary project on Precision Health in children and adult asthma. This project has spon off from our lab's involvement in a major Genome Canada grant (PI: [Dr. Stuart Turvey]( We plan to develop Whole Disease Policy models for childhood and adult lung health and provide rigorous decision-theoretic lens to biomarker discovery activities that target lung health in children and adults.
See 3 publications
EBA was a one-year, prospective study of a population-based random sample of 622 patients with asthma in British Columbia, with the main objective of estimating the burden of asthma in terms of its direct costs, indirect costs, and quality of life.
See 12 publications